Welcome to the Laescient Movement
Please feel free to join us

Leveraging available technology, science, and human knowledge to design solutions for Societal and Humanitarian concerns. Developing the science and technology where it does not yet exist.

About Us

Laescient is a nonprofit organization that works with public and private agencies to leverage available technology, science, and human knowledge to design solutions for Societal and Humanitarian concerns and to develop the science and technology where it does not yet exist.

We have heard this too many times

We can place a man on the surface of the moon to play golf and bring him back to Earth safely while children starve

We have come too far to stop space exploration

Still, the reality remains that we have not galvanized human technology, science, knowledge, and capability toward resolving Societal and Humanitarian issues the way we have for crossing the Frontiers of Space

DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Agency, has perfected a methodology and business model that has transformed research.

Its projects are known for being ambitious, sexy, at and the inflection point of emerging technology, and in the realm of the barely feasible.

Laescient breaks the ground beyond non-governmental, non-profit, to become the world’s first SHARP – Societal and Humanitarian Advanced Research Projects -Organization exploiting the DARPA model – bringing together the world’s best talent in the public-private sectors and academia – to address Societal and Humanitarian causes

The Movement

Our effort is to bring theory together with application and innovation to create the solutions for our single client, Humanity

Societal agents, however, do not follow well-governed laws of nature, nor can scientists run controlled experiments to understand interrelationships. Addressing Societal and Humanitarian concerns scientifically requires innovations that will propel the social sciences beyond their present Horizons

This requires a Movement toward Pasteur's Quadrant in the Social Sciences and Humanitarian Effort

Our Toolkit

Nor are Societal agents rationless creatures. We are impelled and compelled by internal forces - compassion, anger, accomplishment, greed, self-interest, selflessness, etc.

Social scientists have a range of tools - incentive-centered design, game theory, economic theory, theory of externalities and market failures, etc - with which to design structures that harness these forces, much like forces in natural science, in such a way that Societal agents will naturally move toward a more socially optimal outcome

Our Approch

Our aim is simple, to create the surprises for Humanity that DARPA creates for Defense

DreamTime (Our Projects)

DreamTime refers to the aboriginal Australian belief that the entire Creation is a manifestation of the Creator dreaming

Our commitment is to Dream up a better tomorrow  and manifest its realization

From a tax policy to address gender discrimination to harnessing corporate  profit motives for development see the solutions that we are developing.

Join the Realm of the Barely Feasible