Our Toolkit

Creating the Surprises for Humanity

Societal agents do not follow well-governed laws of nature, nor can scientists run controlled experiments to quantify relationships. Addressing Societal and Humanitarian concerns scientifically requires innovations that will propel science beyond the present Horizons

Our approach involves merging the methodologies and theoretical frameworks of top disciplines into a seamless form

Incentive Centered Design (ICD)

ICD, designing incentives and disincentives to influence agent decisions, represents our overarching framework. Often policymakers focus on the desired outcome and lawmakers focus on right versus wrong. In many cases, a societal problem is the result of an imperfection in the market that can be ameliorated with a few adjustments to incentive structures. One example is the market for carbon credits.

Economic Theory

For most, economics is inflation, stock prices, GDP, and lectures as powerful as the strongest sedative ​
Economic theory has a robust methodology for modelling the decisions of each agent in a society mathematically, allowing prediction and quantitative analysis
Game theory, market failures, externalities, consumer-producer theory are powerful tools to analyze societal problems and unearth solutions.

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology and Tokenization

Blockchain technology has revolutionized the financial landscape. Many policymakers fail to apprehend the capacity of blockchain technology and the larger mechanism of distributed ledger technology, which incorporates it, to function as an incentive mechanism. Bitcoin and similar formats, utilıze proof work to incentivize agents to act. Proof of stake promoted by Cardano employs proof of stake to achieve similar ends. Hundred of other currencies tokenize individuals into engaging in the desired activities and behavior.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI and ML provide powerful tools for identifying interrelationships that do not meet the strict standards of Economic Theory but have considerable predictive power on extraordinarily large data sets too intractable for quantitative models.

Quantitative (Statistical) Analysis

Any theory is only as good as its predictive power. Quantitative analysis allows researchers to measure the success of a theory. It is also used to measure the performance of products. ​ Quantitative analysis as well AI/ML technology is central to actuating theory for use in applications.

Information Technology and Social Media

Information Technology including social media has revolutionized the way in which data can be captured and stored. ​ It also represents a very important mechanism through which social interactions occur and social networks are established, which are central to incentive design. ​ Examples of MeToo and social backlash represent ICD domains.

Emerging Technology

We seek to push the boundaries of what is possible transforming the present use of technology Such as bluetooth and video gamıng or exploring the possıble lımits of exıstıng technology to achieve our aims. We are like children in a daydream that is real.

Legal Scholarship

Legislation is not only a mechanism for punishment. It can be a useful tool for designing incentives and disincentives for agents. It is important, however, to ensure that legislation is constructed efficiently, i.e. it creates the intended outcome with minimal unintended consequences for market participants.