DreamTime (Our Projects)

Come Dream with Us

“Individually, we are poor … collectively we are richer than all the nations in the world, with the exception of nine … That’s power right there if we know how to pool it.

– Hon Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr
(I’ve Been to the Mountaintop Speech – Memphis, TN April 3, 1968)

Economic thought from Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations to Andrew Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth posits self-interest and greed are the forces that drive capitalism, and concomitantly, socio-technological progress. Wealth inequality, according to theory, is a necessary by-product of development and lesser evil than universal squalor.

The i-Pool (investment-Pool) is a proposal to establish a multi-million dollar investment fund, 100% owned and controlled collectively by all residents. The i-Pool will own banks, businesses, real estate, construction companies, telecommunications, tech startups, and more.

The i-Pool is a model that demonstrates that the underprivileged can collectively
harness their resources to exploit business and market-based mechanisms rather than social assistance to pull themselves out of poverty.

The sustainable, intergenerational equity that the i-Pool will provide represents a steady stream of income for residents reducing income volatility and consumption dependency – i.e. dependence on social assistance to meet basic consumption needs.

The i-Pool will demonstrate that economic empowerment, not social assistance and consumption dependency, is the route to the dignity associated with economic self-sufficiency.

Visit:  i-pool.org

A Laboratory of Democracy in the Metaverse

Imagine a world in which you enter a coffee shop to talk realpolitik with great minds and the common man, common woman, and others across the globe to explore novel social and economic experiments.

Above all, imagine you have the ability to mobilize your fellow citizenry to create and enact legislation rather than screaming at the television, ranting on twitter, or Monday morning, armchair political quarterbacking with hapless political shock jocks.

Democracy is not static, but a living, evolving creature.  Hence, those institutions that define and purvey Democracy and that facilitate the evolution of Democracy must evolve along with it.

Socivisus-META is not a social media platform designed for talk, but a sociopolitical-socioeconomic meta-space that empowers citizens to effectuate legislative solutions in the real world.

Visit:  Socivisus.org/socivisus-meta

The Project KABAR (to Keep and Bear Arms Responsibly)

Our initiative The Project Kabar (to Keep and Bear Arms Responsibly), for example, hopes to bring gun owners and gun control advocates together to encourage the development of Bluetooth technology enabling civilian firearm owners to track their firearm assets in real-time like the military and law enforcement agencies.

The Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, DEA, and Law Enforcement agencies employ asset tracking and management systems, using a hybrid solution of radio frequency identification (RFID), real-time locating systems (RTLS), and GPS tags to not only track their firearm assets in real-time but to also to alert SOS, gun firing, and rail tampering.

Among our motivations for moving forward with this project is the frequency of school shootings, including the recent tragedy in Michigan, which often occurs, unfortunately, because gun owners are unaware that their firearms have been accessed without their permission. We hope that empowering gun owners with the real-time tracking of their firearm assets will provide a solution to severely stymie the frequency of mass school shootings while obstructing the flow of firearms into the black market while protecting the rights of lawful, responsible gun owners.

A Profitable Model for Rapid Development

If the United States Treasury gave a USD 1 trillion gift certificate to Latin American governments to purchase any US products, who benefits from this transaction?

All countries benefit.  The US increases its GDP, and Latin American countries receive USD 1 T worth of products.  That is the power of trade.

Is it possible to create a framework that would encourage excessive capital accumulation in Western countries to be invested in developing economies to the mutual benefit of all stakeholders particularly those who otherwise stand to lose from increased trade openness?

With the British occupation of Hong Kong, the US funded European Recovery Program (aka Marshall Plan), and the Isthmian Canal Convention establishing the Panama Canal as case studies, Laescient is working with legal scholars, international trade economists, and investment bankers to construct international instruments as well as financial instruments with the potential to facilitate the flow of close to USD 3 T in FDI from the US to Africa, South Asia, and Latin American over five years, modernizing those developing economies and eradicating global poverty to a large extent while accruing a substantial gain for US investors.

The Archimedes Project - making the tools of logic available to all on equal terms

Archimedes likely created a form of calculus almost 2000 years before Leibniz and Newton.  It was his command of logic that led to his mystical-like achievements.

Developing strong advanced logical reasoning skills in children, particularly from underserved population segments, could significantly boost performance across a multitude of areas particularly STEM subjects and standardized tests, providing a more cost effective way at closing achievement gaps for severely resource-constrained districts while preparing children for a wide range of future opportunities.

We plan to take it a step further creating AI/ML-enabled software that would teach advanced logical reasoning skills equivalent to an intermediate postsecondary course to K12 children, making it available to every child on the planet whether in villages, slums, inner-cities, refugee camps, or comfortable living arrangements.

The Beta, Beti Ke Liye Tax Policy - addressing overpopulation and gender inequality

Overpopulation styfles the economic development of almost one third of Humanity.  Still, in these same regions gender ratios are historically skewed following a trend that has persisted over one and a half centuries.

We have designed a policy whereby governments can introduce an income tax increasing with the number of children, reflecting the increasing marginal costs overpopulation places on public resources, while providing a deduction for girls thereby transferring the premium for desiring boys to desiring girls.  Making the deduction conditional on proper annual medical screening, educational participation, etc., will effectively make a daughter an annuity, incentivizing families to ensure for her safety and wellbeing.


The USDA estimates in 2010 30%-40% of total food production in the US is wasted at the retail and consumer levels, representing a total cost of USD 160 billion and close to 220 lbs per person.

We are exploring the possibility of working with ride-sharing firms using dynamic pricing models to transport surplus food from restaurants and stores to homeless shelters during off-peak timings.


The Frederick Douglass Project - knowledge is the pathway to freedom

Frederick Douglass, born into slavery in the US in 1817, taught himself to read and write at age 12.  He went on to become among the most profound orators of his time, second among African American orators only to the Reverand Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.

The technology exists today that allows every child on the planet, whatever her circumstance, to teach herself to read and write using nothing more than a smartphone.

We want the privilege of creating such an opportunity.  The technological challenges lie in adapting voice technology and AI/ML technology into a seamless environment for children.